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Release: 06-2012

“Enclave - Shadows of Twilight” masterfully weaves the features of the award winning 2003 PC release with the unique gameplay possibilities posed by the Nintendo Wii™ console. The result is a modernization of the fan favorite which elevates the fantasy RPG experience of the «Enclave» series to heights never before reached! Innovative adaptations to classic gameplay elements provide an entirely new experience, effectively expanding the level of immersion in all directions.

Players now charge into battle brandishing the Wii™ Remote, laying waste to the hoards of enemies that stand in hero's way, all the while upgrading their character's equipment by looting the corpses the throngs of fallen enemies left in their wake.

The riveting combat system is complimented by numerous artfully-crafted cut-scenes, vibrantly narrating the nuances of the hero's epic journey as players explore the bountiful environments of the expansive fantasy world.

The end seemed unavoidable...the Prince of Darkness on the verge of an overwhelming victory as Vatar's hordes besieged what little was left of the shattered army of Celenheim. However a single mage emerged along the peaks of the mountain ridge high above the battles. He unleashed an unimaginably powerful spell that harnessed the infernal power of nature itself, quickly expanding into an cavernous rift. On one side an Enclave of Light was formed, rightly dubbed Celenheim. Conversely on the other side of the rift shadowy creatures were fighting and struggling for their survival, giving rise to hate-filled beings named "Outlanders". But now the once immense gorge has narrowed, and the trivial attacks from the shadowy world on the lands of Calenheim have been growing at an alarming rate. In these pivotal times, vital decisions that will ultimately affect the course of the world as a whole must be made, many of which lie with to which side the player will pledge the allegiance of the mysterious man of legend.

Will he serve as the valiant savior of the distraught populace of Celenheim and save them from certain annihilation, or will he instead opt to align his allegiances with the dark hordes of the Outlands and aid in the Shadow Forces campaign to reclaim what they assert to be rightfully theirs? Whatever the decision, the world is poised at yet another turning point, and players can expect an thrilling ride packed with loads of action and adventure through the fantastic world of "Enclave"!

  • Immersive, fast-paced feudal age combat action
  • Massive narrative scope, including two distinct campaigns with alternative endings
  • More than 25 unique missions, plus additional bonus content
  • 12 diverse unlockable characters, each blending elements of traditional character classes in a one-of-a-kind way
  • Challenging boss opponents, each requiring different tactics to defeat Interactive gameplay tutorial
  • Three different difficulty level settings provide the right level of challenge for any player
  • A plethora of different weapons, collectible objects and consumables
  • Dozens of scripted in-game event triggers keep the surprises coming
  • Captivating soundtrack paired with countless atmospheric Sound FX

System Requirements

MIN.Intel/AMD 2.0 GHz2 GBWin XP / Vista / 7 / 8Per-Pixel-Shader 1.2
128 MB RAM
7 GBSound, Mouse, Keyboard
Internet, Steam-Client
REC.Core Duo CPU4 GBWin XP / Vista / 7 / 8Per-Pixel-Shader 2.0
256 MB RAM
8 GBSound, Mouse, Keyboard
Internet, Steam-Client


Genre Action RPG, Role playing
Entwickler Starbreeze Studios
Publisher TopWare Interactive
Release 06-2012
Sprachen DE | EN | FR | ES | IT
Art.-Nr. TW1058STD
Enclave is the cream of the crop; the quality of other adventure games is belittled by the greatness of this game. Stunning visuals, a classic soundtrack, original campaign ideas, what is not to like. [...] Enclave fell a few steps short of perfection.
Die schwedischen Entwickler von Starbreeze haben wirklich gute Arbeit geleistet: Enclave ist ein äusserst gelungener Genremix mit einer interessanten Story. Ebenso spannend ist die Möglichkeit eine ähnliche Kampagne zuerst auf der einen, dann der anderen Seite durchzuspielen.
Wer Enclave zum ersten Mal in Bewegung sieht, wird erschlagen: die Präsentation ist atemberaubend, Grafik und Sound bewegen sich auf höchstem Niveau, die Action ist gleichermaßen spannend wie motivierend. Klasse 3D-Welt, viele Waffen, böse Monster - was will das Metzelherz mehr?
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